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Work-Life Balance Women Unicorn

Work-Life Balance for Mid-Life Women: Harder to find than a Unicorn?

November 12, 20238 min read

Does juggling your jam-packed work calendar with a bit of life's sparkle, sometimes feel like chasing a unicorn?

work life balance harder to find than a unicorn

Work-life balance? Think of it as the art of juggling. On one hand, you've got your job—the meetings, emails, deadlines. On the other, there's your personal life—family time, hobbies, and those golden moments of 'me-time'. Now, for midlife professional women like us, it's like juggling while riding a unicycle! We're in this unique phase where career pressures are peaking, kids might be still at home or flying the nest, and don't underestimate other life changers like caring for aging parents. Without a good balance, things can go topsy-turvy pretty quickly. Getting that sweet balance right means not only smashing it at work but also enjoying a bubbly brunch with friends, having time for a passion project, or just indulging in a quiet evening with a good movie. It's all about making sure every part of life gets its deserving spotlight.

You know how they say, "All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl"? Well, let me tell you, that couldn't be truer today, especially for us go-getters in the fabulous over-40 club. Juggling our jam-packed work calendars with a bit of life's sparkle can sometimes seem like chasing a unicorn, right? But hey, who says we can't snag that mythical creature and make it our reality?

Why is Work-Life Balance Essential?

struggling to balance it all

Midlife can be a potent cocktail of soaring career aspirations, personal growth, and sometimes, increased family responsibilities. While many of us are scaling the zenith of our careers, we also grapple with changes in our personal lives. Herein lies the challenge: how do we perform our best at work while also ensuring our personal lives thrive?

Work-life balance, at its core, means managing our professional commitments and personal responsibilities in a way that neither overshadows the other. For us, midlife career women, it's not just about clocking hours at work and home. It's about feeling fulfilled and content in both realms.

Why is it essential, especially for us? Studies from the UK Office for National Statistics show that women, particularly those over 40, often report higher levels of stress related to work-life conflict. Globally, according to a Deloitte survey, 94% of professionals admit to feeling overwhelmed with imbalance leading to burnout. For us, achieving this balance isn’t just a buzzword—it’s vital for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Unveiling the Red Flags: Signs You Might Be Struggling With Work-Life Balance

Balancing too much

The first step towards equilibrium is recognising when we’re off-balance. It's essential to recognise when our scales are tipping too much on one side.  It's easy to miss the red flags when we're in the eye of the storm, but let's illuminate some signs that your work-life balance is off-kilter & indicate a looming imbalance:

  • Constant Fatigue: You're always drained, no matter how much sleep you get. You find that even after a full night's rest, your energy levels are low. This isn't just physical fatigue but also emotional and mental exhaustion. When you're tired not just from a hard day's work but from a constant state of overcommitment, it’s time to pause and reassess.

  • Declining Health: Are you always catching colds? experiencing headaches or migraines more frequently? The stress may even lead to more severe health conditions such as hypertension or digestive issues. Is your health taking a backseat? Stress manifests physically; if your body is a canvas of unexplained aches, pains & illness, it's signaling overload.

  • Increased Irritability: Snapping at colleagues or loved ones over minor issues might be a sign of Short Fuse Syndrome. Notice if your fuse is shorter than usual, with frustration bubbling over at the slightest provocation at work or home.

  • Lack of Focus: Difficulty concentrating on tasks or making decisions could be a case of concentration crisis. When your focus falters and your mind feels scattered, it's often a symptom of too much on your proverbial plate.

  • Neglecting Personal Commitments: Missing family events or personal engagements means you’re missing out on life's essential moments. Your niece's graduation, your best friend's anniversary, or even your own personal milestones, like hitting your fitness targets or pursuing a hobby get overshadowed by work.  You sense a growing distance from your loved ones, conversations with family revolve around how busy you are, and friendships start to wane. When work obligations repeatedly eclipse personal life events or hobbies, it's a glaring sign.

  • Decreased Job Satisfaction: Feeling unfulfilled or disinterested in work projects is a sign your career happiness is dwindling. Once-loved passion projects now feel like a drag, Even personal projects or hobbies don't excite you as they once did. If your job feels more like a chore than a challenge, it could be due to imbalance rather than the job itself.

Strategies to Overcome Challenges and Restore Balance

wearing too many hats

For those of us feeling off-kilter, Fear not, for the scales can be tipped back to harmony with some strategic tweaks to our daily lives. Here's how we can recenter:

1. Establish Unshakeable Boundaries

Make non-negotiable pockets of time for family, hobbies, and rest. Turn off notifications, have candid conversations with colleagues about availability, and protect your downtime religiously. Whether it's not checking work emails after 7pm or dedicating weekends strictly to family, establish and stick to these boundaries.

Actions Steps:

  • Work Boundaries: Define your working hours clearly. Once the clock hits the end of your workday, ensure you're off the grid.

  • Personal Space: Especially in a work-from-home setup, designate a specific workspace. This physical boundary helps mentally separate work from relaxation.

2. Self-care is Sacred

Prioritise activities that nourish your soul. Whether it’s meditation, a weekend retreat, or simply losing yourself in a novel – these aren't luxuries; they're essentials. Book that spa appointment, attend that yoga class, or simply indulge in a book. You deserve it!

Action Steps:

  • Physical Health: It’s essential to ensure your body is in top condition. Adopt a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and ensure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Consider taking up yoga or meditation, both known to improve physical and mental well-being.

  • Emotional Well-being: Take time to reconnect with yourself. Whether it’s a short walk in the park, reading a book, or a spa day, find what rejuvenates you.

3. The Art of Delegation

Enlist support, be it through a virtual assistant, a cleaner, or a family member chipping in. Empower others to empower you & delegate! Be it at home or work, trust others to take on tasks. It doesn’t all have to be on your plate.

Action Steps:

  • Delegate: You don’t need to do everything yourself. At work, trust your team. At home, consider splitting chores or even investing in services that can ease your load.

  • Communicate with your Employer: If you're consistently working late or on weekends, it might be time to have a chat about redistributing work or even hiring additional help.

  • Communicate with your family: Honest communication helps your family understand your commitments. Remember, they're your biggest cheerleaders and will often step up to support you when they know what's going on.

4. Time Management

Consider tools or apps that can help you organise your day efficiently. Allocate specific blocks of time for work, relaxation, and personal pursuits. Consider techniques like batching tasks or the Pomodoro Technique and breaking down big projects into smaller more manageable chunks and use dont forget to use tech to your advantage.

Action Steps:

  • Efficient Planning: Plan your week in advance. Allocate specific times for meetings, brainstorming sessions, personal time, and even breaks.

5. Seek Support 

Support Systems are Key: Embrace the strength of community, whether it's seeking advice from a colleague, joining a networking group, hiring a housekeeper, or even working with a coach, find your tribe and lean on them. It takes a village, after all & remember, it's okay to ask for help. 

Action Steps:

  • Consider hiring a life or career coach. They bring an external perspective, are trained to identify areas of improvement, and can guide you through the maze of professional decisions.

6. Re-evaluate Your Goals

Sometimes, our life goals need recalibration, Revisit what you really want from your personal and professional life. Take a step back and reflect on your true North. Are your current personal and professional goals aligned with the life you want to lead? Maybe it's time to think about a strategic pivot.

Action Steps:

  • The dynamics of work and personal aspirations change over time. Perhaps a role with fewer responsibilities but more satisfaction aligns better with your current life stage. Remember, success isn't just about climbing up the ladder; sometimes, it's about finding the right ladder to climb.

Embrace Your Balance, Embrace Your Best Self

life vs work

As midlife women, our lives are often about nurturing and caring for others. However, you can't pour from an empty cup. A harmonious work-life balance ensures that not only do you excel in your career but also cherish and enjoy life’s beautiful moments.

Finding the right work-life balance isn't a one-size-fits-all formula. It's a personal journey, one that requires introspection, adjustments, and sometimes, a little help. But never doubt, it IS a journey worth taking. When we strike that balance, we’re not just better professionals or family members—we're the best versions of ourselves.

Embracing work-life balance isn't an overnight feat; it's a nuanced voyage that demands patience and persistence. It's about setting the stage for personal peace and professional prosperity to coexist. Let’s remember, the concept of balance is fluid, ever-changing as our lives evolve.

So, to all you phenomenal midlife career women, let's pledge to prioritise our well-being, our careers are important, but so are we.  Let’s raise a glass of the finest, well-deserved bubbles, to the journey towards balance, to finding our own Unicorn that gives us laughter-filled homes and groundbreaking work achievements. Here’s to thriving in our multifaceted roles and, most importantly, here's to us – the women who make it all work.

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Lara Pennington Ellis

Hey I’m Lara, a dual-accredited ICF Executive & Career Change Coach & I help midlife women from all over the world make positive changes in their lives & careers. I love helping women like YOU who want MORE out of life … Success, Freedom, Balance, Happiness & Fun! I'm a British/Spanish woman who's lived & worked overseas for most of my life. I've experienced first-hand, multiple life & career transitions while juggling work & family. I’ve been there & understand the challenges women face in combining a career we love, with the life we want! I’m passionate about Empowering Women to Thrive & I believe if you can Dream it … you can DO IT! Discover What's Next? Reignite your Life & Turbocharge your Career WITHOUT running away to Eat-Pray-Love! Imagine waking up every day feeling fabulous, fulfiled & successful, living a balanced life bursting with happiness, fun & freedom. Are you ready to EVOLVE your Life & Career?

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